How to Be More Authentic at Work


Despite the pressure to conform, showing your true self is the path to more satisfying work. BY PATRICIA FAISON HEWLIN | AUGUST 3, 2020 When I worked in banking, I saw a lot of pressure to conform. To get ahead and gain favor, many employees made their best efforts to reflect the values that were… Continue reading How to Be More Authentic at Work

5 proven strategies to enhance your team’s ‘collective intelligence


From optimising your online meetings to overhauling incentive and reward programs, cutting-edge research offers seven simple steps to improve team morale, creativity and productivity Simple psychological techniques can transform your teamwork and leadership (Credit: Hannah Busing/Unsplash) The history of sport is full of surprising twists of fate. Perhaps the most famous upset of all is… Continue reading 5 proven strategies to enhance your team’s ‘collective intelligence

How Purpose Changes Across Your Lifetime


Purpose is not a destination, suggests research, but a journey and a practice. BY KIRA M. NEWMAN | JULY 14, 2020 Purpose is the stuff of inspirational posters and motivational speeches. When we find our purpose, they say, we’ll know what we are meant to do in life. The path will be laid out before… Continue reading How Purpose Changes Across Your Lifetime

How Your Work Environment Influences Your Creativity


Your social environment—including factors like incentives, competition, and surveillance—can make you more or less creative. BY TERESA M. AMABILE | JULY 6, 2020 Are you as creative now as you were when you were a child? For many people, the answer is no. As we move into adulthood, we are often conditioned to be more… Continue reading How Your Work Environment Influences Your Creativity

When leaders stress out their people


Managers and leaders have a direct effect on their employees’ stress levels, but too few leaders are aware of this power. Even well-meaning managers may unwittingly stoke anxiety. Writing in the Harvard Business Review, Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic, professor of business psychology at Columbia University and an associate at Harvard’s Entrepreneurial Finance Lab, points out five behaviors… Continue reading When leaders stress out their people

Strengthening Virtual Teams


How can you hold teams together when members are physically separated? How can you create virtual teams that are more engaged and more productive than when they worked together? In our recent Webinar, Communication in a Time of Social Distancing: Strengthening Virtual Teams, we shared 8 research-based strategies: Start with a meaningful question central to… Continue reading Strengthening Virtual Teams