Don’t Ignore Co-Workers’ Emails


Overwhelmed by email? Join the club. One recent survey suggested the average American’s inbox has 199 unread messages ( But ignoring email from co-workers communicates that their priorities are unimportant to you. And when researchers compiled a huge database of the digital habits of teams at Microsoft, they found that the clearest warning sign of… Continue reading Don’t Ignore Co-Workers’ Emails

The power of eye contact


Psychologists and neuroscientists have been studying eye contact for decades and their research reveals much about its power—for example that we make assumptions about other people based on how much they meet our eyes or look away when we are talking to them. Dr. Christian Jarrett, editor of the British Psychological Society’s Research Digest blog,… Continue reading The power of eye contact

John Eatwell made a Fellow of the New Zealand Psychological Society


The Executive of the New Zealand Psychological Society approved the recommendation of the Membership and Status Committee to confer upon John Eatwell, Fellowship of the NZPsS. Congratulations.  The Committee noted the following in relation to his nomination: The Membership and Status Committee  noted John’s considerable commitment to supporting the Society over several decades. John easily… Continue reading John Eatwell made a Fellow of the New Zealand Psychological Society

Five things top CEOs are giving up this year


In a recent article on Fast Company, 11 CEOs shared what they’d like to give up for 2019. Here’s a potted version of what they said. Maybe you can see yourself in some of them. Stop multitasking. Forget your laptop at meetings, be present and listen to the person talking to you rather than concentrating… Continue reading Five things top CEOs are giving up this year

Don’t just delegate – Teach!


The hardest part about delegating a task is trusting that someone will do it as well as you can, and so many managers are reluctant to turn over key responsibilities. But, says Dr. Art Markman, Professor of Psychology and Marketing at the University of Texas at Austin, “The problem with this style of delegation is… Continue reading Don’t just delegate – Teach!

How to handle a toxic relationship


When a relationship is causing you stress and suffering, follow these five steps to find more peace. BY CHRISTINE CARTER  Last week, I had lunch with a friend. As we were walking out, she mentioned that she had to see someone who hadn’t always been kind to her, a relationship that caused her more stress… Continue reading How to handle a toxic relationship