The Real Reason Unfinished Jobs Stress You Out, According to Psychology


GETTY IMAGES You know that perfectly calm feeling you have when your to-do list is a mile long and time is running out? Or when you look around your space and see a million little things that are only half done? Yeah, me neither. As it turns out, that feeling of stress and anxiety you… Continue reading The Real Reason Unfinished Jobs Stress You Out, According to Psychology

Doctors Explain How Hiking Actually Changes Our Brains


While it may seem obvious that a good hike through a forest or up a mountain can cleanse your mind, body, and soul, science is now discovering that hiking can actually change your brain… for the better! Hiking in Nature Can Stop Negative, Obsessive Thoughts Aside from the almost instant feeling of calm and contentment that accompanies… Continue reading Doctors Explain How Hiking Actually Changes Our Brains

Six Ways to Grow Social Connections on the Job


A new book suggests simple habits we can adopt to strengthen our relationships at work. BY JILL SUTTIE | NOVEMBER 15, 2019 Many of us could use a little more connection at work. Maybe you’ve started to feel a sense of isolation on the job, or tension with a coworker; perhaps you got some negative… Continue reading Six Ways to Grow Social Connections on the Job

How to disagree skilfully


With events like the 2020 election looming, we may all be wondering if it is possible any longer to have civilized disagreements. Creating a sense of psychological safety is essential to productive conversation. Peter Boghossian, assistant professor of philosophy at Portland State University, and writer and researcher James Lindsay, authors of How to Have Impossible Conversations, offer three tips… Continue reading How to disagree skilfully

Why You Should Sleep Your Way to the Top


Many Americans are against sleep, equating it with laziness. But one of the world’s leading experts on sleep says that’s hurting our relationships and our ability to solve problems. BY JILL SUTTIE | DECEMBER 1, 2013 We spend almost a third of our lives asleep, giving more time to sleep than any other activity. Some… Continue reading Why You Should Sleep Your Way to the Top

How Deep Sleep Can Soothe Your Anxious Brain


A good night’s sleep can help reduce anxiety, a new neuroscience study suggests. BY YASMIN ANWAR | NOVEMBER 14, 2019 When it comes to managing anxiety disorders, William Shakespeare’s Macbeth had it right when he referred to sleep as the “balm of hurt minds.” While a full night of slumber stabilizes emotions, a sleepless night… Continue reading How Deep Sleep Can Soothe Your Anxious Brain