Another good reason to do Steptember


Walking is awesome. In fact, it’s so old-school epically awesome in helping thinkers think that our ancient friends even had a Latin phrase to capture its power: Solvitur ambulando. “It is solved by walking.” Nietzsche would agree. He said: “All truly great thoughts are conceived by walking.” Kierkegaard would also agree. He put it this way: “I have walked… Continue reading Another good reason to do Steptember

Four-day working week trial at Perpetual Guardian a Success


The Kiwi boss who trialled giving his staff a full salary for four days’ work says it was a success and that he wants it to become permanent at his Auckland company. Andrew Barnes, the chief executive at Perpetual Guardian, says he’s already made a recommendation to his board to take the policy beyond the… Continue reading Four-day working week trial at Perpetual Guardian a Success

How might we be with an extra day up our sleeve each week?


Remember the headlines last month about the company operating on a 4-day week with record productivity? It seems to have really got people talking. HR folks, bosses and line managers alike have had their imaginations captured – and conversations are bubbling away in cities and boardrooms. Could there be something sweet in the air, besides… Continue reading How might we be with an extra day up our sleeve each week?

Yes, Send That Thank You Note


People like getting thank you notes. So why do so few of us send them? According to Amit Kumar, a professor at the University of Texas at Austin who studies well-being, it’s because people underestimate the appeal of receiving an appreciative email. In a study conducted by Kumar and Professor Nicholas Epley of the University… Continue reading Yes, Send That Thank You Note

Office Friendships


A recent meta-analysis in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin analyzed 26 studies on work and friendship, concluding that teams made up of friends tended to perform better than teams made up of strangers. That said, workplace friendships can be tricky to navigate. Jessica Methot, associate professor of human resource management at Rutgers University, has… Continue reading Office Friendships

The Importance of a Supportive Boss


A Gallup report reveals that millennial career happiness is down while disengagement at work climbs: 71% of Millennials aren’t engaged on the job, and half of all those employed plan to leave within a year. Bosses carry the responsibility for 70% of employee engagement variances. When Millennial employees feel supported by their boss, their happiness… Continue reading The Importance of a Supportive Boss