The confidence to say no!


It can be hard to say no, both because we want to accommodate people and also because we are sometimes insecure about standing up for our own priorities. Consequently, we can end up taking on too much, and perhaps avoiding people we fear will ask us to do more. But Chikodi Chima, a former VentureBeat… Continue reading The confidence to say no!

Kindness Linked to Relationships, Health, and Longevity


Countless couples will marry this year. Not all of them will live happily ever after. But there is a scientific secret to maintaining lasting and fulfilling relationships. Researchers say: Simply be kind. “Longitudinal, experimental and evolutionary science all testify to the surprising power of kindness,” says Doug Carnine, PhD, University of Oregon Professor Emeritus and… Continue reading Kindness Linked to Relationships, Health, and Longevity

Loneliness at Work Hurts


Loneliness at work impairs mood and health – and hurts productivity and the bottom line. The economic damage caused when employees suffer feelings of isolation may soon worsen as offices become more automated and more people work remotely The share of American adults who say they’re lonely has doubled since the 1980s to 40 percent,… Continue reading Loneliness at Work Hurts

The virtuous cycle of innovation & wellbeing


How creative were you yesterday?Pause for a moment, and really think about this… Did you engage in any creative activity, come up with an innovative idea or solution… contribute to something completely new and different? Maybe you thought about an innovation to a process or service in your work… Designed a new image, page or… Continue reading The virtuous cycle of innovation & wellbeing

Servant Leadership: More You, Less Me


I began my career working for companies that focused on consultative human resources and organization effectiveness. Over the years that followed, I have worked for many types of leaders, and have picked up key lessons along the way — primarily, what one should and should not do to be an effective leader. I recently came… Continue reading Servant Leadership: More You, Less Me

Perpetual Guardian makes four-day week permanent


ANUJA NADKARNI/STUFF Perpetual Guardian’s 4 day week trial results are in Trust company Perpetual Guardian has made its four-day week permanent after its trial was a hit among employees and boosted productivity. The company claimed productivity had increased by 20 per cent during the trial, and staff were more engaged and enthusiastic. Perpetual Guardian has… Continue reading Perpetual Guardian makes four-day week permanent