Improve your leadership communication!

Some great tips from the Glasers!

Communication is the lifeblood of leadership. So why are millions of employees exasperated and thwarted because of unclear communication from their boss?…

As more employees are working remotely or in hybrid work environments, the need for successful communication has never been greater. Yet, according to a recent report by FlexOS, employees gave their managers a mediocre 7 out of 10 — basically, a C — on managing hybrid and remote teams. Worse, 30 percent said they’re blocked and discouraged by unclear communication from their bosses.

Writing in the Harvard Business Review, Gleb Tsipursky, CEO of the consultancy Disaster Avoidance Experts and author of seven bestselling books, says, “As a manager, it’s your job to make sure vital information is shared appropriately and clearly, leaving no room for misunderstandings…” His advice:

  • Set expectations up front: Align with your team on the optimal use of various communication platforms. What are the ground rules?
  • Consider creating a “clarity canvas.” When starting a new project, create a set of documents that succinctly outline goals, individual responsibilities, process instructions, and key deadlines.
  • Make everything accessible. Keep meticulous records of decisions made, meeting minutes, and project statuses in a centralized, digital location accessible to all.
  • Schedule regular debriefs. After important announcements, it can be valuable to set up debrief meetings with your team. Doing so will help you evaluate how well your people understand and accept the announcements, and will give you the opportunity to clarify and address any questions.